Are you interested in selling your home to a cash buyer but aren’t familiar with their methods? Cash buyers are totally trustworthy and legitimate. One of the best parts of working with a cash buyer is that they calculate a no-obligation cash offer just for you. Here are a couple of the factors that help your buyer calculate their personalized cash offer for you.
When you request a cash offer from your cash buyer, they’ll ask you for some information about your house. This information will be important in their calculating process since they determine their cash offer based on the value of your house. First of all, the age and style of your house will be some information that will be helpful in the calculation process. Make sure that you know the year in which your home was built. If you’ve done any renovations or add-ons since then, those dates might also be important to know.
Another piece of information that will help your cash buyer to calculate your customized cash offer is your home’s location. The location of your home could possibly increase the value of your home, and as a result, the amount of cash that you’ll be offered. For example, if you live in a convenient location that has a school, gym, supermarket, hospital, park, shopping center, and other amenities, your house will be worth a lot more than a farmhouse that is out in the middle of nowhere.
Similar Homes
Your cash buyer might also look at homes that are similar to yours to help them to calculate your cash offer. They’ll try to find houses of a similar age and size to see how much those properties have been worth. They’ll then compare those similar houses to yours in order to come up with a price that is accurate, fair, and high.
So, if you’ve been wanting to sell your house to a cash buyer but have been curious about their calculation process, now you have some more helpful facts. You can always ask your cash buyer to explain their personal calculation process so you can determine the fairness of their offer. This will help you to enjoy full transparency and a great cash offer that you can’t turn down.
Do you have a house in Georgia that you want to sell to a cash buyer? Click here to learn how you can sell your house to cash for Maximum Cash Home Buyers.