Have you ever wondered if it is really worth it to sell your home to a cash buyer? You might think that selling your home on the traditional market could get you more money. However, selling to a cash buyer can save you a lot of money in the selling process. Here is how you can save big by selling to a cash buyer.
Avoid Commission Fees
First of all, when you sell your home to a cash buyer, they won’t be collecting any commission or fees on your home sale. You might not think that this is a significant source of savings, but most real estate agents charge 5-6% of the home price as their commission. So, if you’re selling your home for $500,000, your real estate agent would be taking at least $25,000 from your sale payment. By selling to a cash buyer, you’ll save thousands of dollars and won’t have to deal with these types of fees.
Skip Costly Repairs
Another reason why you’ll be able to save money when you sell to a cash buyer is that you’ll skip costly repairs. When you sell your house on the traditional housing market, your buyers and their real estate agent can demand that you repair or renovate your house to pay your asking price. These repairs can delay your selling process for months. They can also cost you thousands of dollars that you hadn’t planned on spending. However, cash buyers will buy your house in their current state without any renovations or repairs. Even if your house is old and outdated, your cash buyer will still be interested.
Get Paid in Cash
Finally, when you sell your home to a cash buyer, such as a home buying business, you’ll get paid entirely in cash. Cash buyers will ask for some information about your house initially. Then, they’ll calculate the highest possible offer for your home. You’ll be under no obligation to accept their offer, but if you do, you’ll get paid entirely in cash. You won’t need to wait for your buyer to get a loan approval or apply for a mortgage and won’t need to deal with any payment fluctuations as a result.
So, if you’re trying to save money and get a great deal as you’re selling your house, make sure you sell to a cash buyer. If you do, you’ll be able to avoid commission fees, skip costly repairs, and get paid in cash. Selling your home to a cash buyer could be your next big financial break that will provide you with a better future.
Are you looking to sell your Atlanta house to a cash buyer? Click here to learn how Maximum Cash Home Buyers can help! Get a bid today!